While on retreat please be as active or relaxed, social or private as you wish – be open to what your body needs once you reach us. We know, sometimes sleeping in or hanging by the pool is TRUE WELLNESS, and also know, each day you are with us, enjoy a full schedule of movement, yoga & fitness suitable for all bodies & fitness levels.
Wherever we are on retreat, know, we have an amazing team on site to take care of you, and also a curated team of locals that have secret spots & activites to explore too! Let us do the planning, you simply pick and choose what you would like to get into! Only some of our hidden treasures include: • "Locals only" hiking & breathtaking vistas through VT’s Fall foliage • Sunrise at the top of Killington or Haleakala • Maple syrup tapping • CBD farm tours • Glass blowing tours at Simon Pierce • Foraging for wild mushrooms & coconuts • Whale watching off the shores of Maui • Volcano hikes • Wild horseback rides • Paddleboarding • Surfing • Sweat lodges • Bioluminescent bay kayaking off the south side of Puerto Rico’s Mosquito bay. *Sound Baths *Ice Plunge Therapies
"Best thing I did was try this studio over 5 years ago. I had never done yoga and I was hooked from the first day! The teachers are amazing and the environment is friendly and warm! Definitely give it a try. What do you have to loose? Nothing - you have everything to gain!"
Rutland, VT
Movement plays a critical part in our overall wellbeing and your time with us. Gettiong on our mat, out into nature, a simple dip in the ocean will instantly change our perspecitve so that we feel ALIVE AGAIN. Moving releases endorphins and helps relieve stress; gives access to step outside of our normal routine, remember our breath & come back to balance, clear what has been stored so we can feel refreshed. Every escape you will find a well balanced schedule of movement classes & outside activities daily. While in Vermont, we also have access to True Yoga Vermont’ s full schedule! We offer a variety of Hot Yoga, Baptiste Power Flow, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Mat Pilates, Inferno Hot Pilates and Pilates with bands - naturally flexing with the group at hand and what our bodies are asking for as we move through our vacation! All classes & hikes are available to everyone, every body and every ability level - participation is 100% optional. ;)
We are sure, getting quiet is where all the magic happens. We are able to tap into the space that is beyond matter, the space where all possiblity exists to become super-natural! The word meditation means to become familiar with. As you become familiar with the thoughts, the behaviors, and the emotions of the old self, you're retiring that old self - and able to COME ALIVE, step into who you really want to be , how you want to feel moving forward. While on retreat we have the amazing opportunity to stop, sit, breathe and bring that coherence through mediation back into our bodies, back into our lives. We'll find it in sitting meditation, meditation while working in the kitchen, mindset workshops where we'll help explain it, walking on the beach or through the rainbow of colors in Fall Foliage, in a yoga nidra class. Never meditated before? No problem. We are here to show you how! Benefits of meditation can include: -Reduction of stress -Removal of anxiety -Emotional health -Physical health -Increased mental health -Enhances self awareness -Lenghtens attention span -Enables manifestation -Creates clarity -Generates feelings of wellbeing -Lowers blood pressure