60/90 min & 60 min. B.Beats | healing hatha yoga series
Original Hot Yoga is a beginning yoga class comprised of 26 beginning Hatha postures, each one practiced twice, in a warm room. The heated room will allow you to heal faster, stretch deeper, feel better without injury. Set up like a chain reaction, the series of postures is designed to continually warm you up so from the beginning to the end of class you will never go into a posture underprepared. You will work your body and mind from the inside out, fingertips to toes, bones to skin - touching on every muscle, ligament, tendon, internal organ in your body every class - you will feel great! The series & class is always the same wherever you are on the planet - but you will never have the same class twice! Challenging, rewarding at every level, NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED - just show up and do your best!
*B.Beats is set to a fun, rhythmic play list that will move you gently through class. The instructor may practice with you, instruction will be minimal so that you are able to relax into your class and simply enjoy the music as you stretch! ITS FUN!
Our Hot Yoga classes are 60/90 minutes, performed in a warm room and are suitable for everyone. All of our Hot Yoga instructors are fully certified.